Automotive industry digitalization: effect on the labor market, business models and consumer behavior

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The paper examines how the digitalization of the automotive industry is bringing about major changes in the economic and social aspects of modern transportation. Based on a review of existing literature and analysis of current trend data, the impact of digitalization on the labor market, business models and consumer behavior is analyzed. The study aims to identify the key factors shaping the new reality of the automotive sector in the digital age.

Digitalization, automotive industry, transportation, labor market

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IDR: 147244377

Список литературы Automotive industry digitalization: effect on the labor market, business models and consumer behavior

  • Butusov D.V. Analytical substantiation of the business model of the company - the operator of the automobile market: author's abstract. diss... candidate of economic sciences 08.00.12 / M., 2021. 25 p.
  • Anshina M.L., Slavin B.B., White T. Digital transformation of business: Textbook. manual. M.: OOO "Izdatelstvo" Knorus ", 2021. 272 p.
  • Atlassian website // URL: (date of access 03/17/2024).
  • Platform V website // URL: (date of access 03/17/2024).
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