Azomethine compounds based on isomeric nitrophenylazosalicylic aldehydes

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In this work, azomethine compounds were synthesized by the interaction of isomeric nitrophenylazosalicylic aldehydes with 2-aminophenol. The products are colored substances with high melting points. The structure of the molecules was studied using electronic and IR spectroscopy data, as well as quantum chemical calculations. Prediction of biological activity in the PASS Online system revealed a wide range of potential action of the compounds under consideration.

Azomethine compounds, phenylazosalicylic aldehyde, infrared spectroscopy, electron spectroscopy, computational chemistry methods

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 170206983   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2024-10-3-84-88

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