Basic schools of the Russian academy of sciences: results-based management

Бесплатный доступ

The article presents the experience in implementation of the federal project “Basic Schools of the Russian Academy of Sciences” (on the example of the Moscow region). analyzes economic and educational activity on the basis of the state final attestation results, students’ participation in Olympiads and competitions, students’ and teachers’ project and research activities, publication activity and involvement of scientists of the Russian Academy of Sciences for organising the educational process in general education school. Based on the proposed criteria for assessing the activity of educational organisations participating in the project, we have identified the leading schools, which are intensively involved in the dissemination of management and pedagogical practices for institutions in the region.


Noncommercial organizations management, social organizations management, general education organization management, basic schools

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IDR: 148328230   |   DOI: 10.18137/RNU.V9276.24.01.P.123

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