Human security in contemporary geopolitical processes: methodological bases

Автор: Aivazian Artak Andranikovich

Журнал: Теория и практика общественного развития @teoria-practica

Рубрика: Социологические науки

Статья в выпуске: 12, 2016 года.

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A human in the modern world, as a rule, is an object of quite complex geopolitical processes, and ultimately of information flows. In this context the problem of personal security is obvious. Humanities researches usually reveal various aspects of human being: social nature (social sciences), political nature (political science) and so on. The author outlines the methodology of human being study by synthesizing conceptions of different humanities. The article attempts to develop a model of a person who is a reflection of all the processes taking place and accumulated in the information flow. The research methodology is based on the dichotomy and culture criticism (C. Jung, M. Weber, F. Tennis). The author suggests the dichotomy of conservatism and public spirit, traditional identity and civic identity.


Geopolitics, information, human security, dichotomy, conservatism and public spirit, methodological framework, moderation

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