Biochemical characteristic of Bunias orientalis L. plants at cultivation in the north

Автор: Mikhovich Janna, Punegov Vasiliy, Gruzdev Ivan, Ruban Galina, Zaynullina Klavdiya

Журнал: Известия Самарского научного центра Российской академии наук @izvestiya-ssc

Рубрика: Общая биология

Статья в выпуске: 2-3 т.19, 2017 года.

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The article presents the results of an advanced study of biochemical composition of above-ground mass and seeds of Bunias orientalis, grown in the middle-taiga subzone of Komi Republic. It is shown that the aboveground mass of Bunias orientalis in the flowering phase is rich in low molecular weight water-soluble substances and flavonols. Among hydroxy-acids malic acid dominates, among alcohols - glycerol and Inositol among sugars - D-glucose and D-fructose. Mass fraction of acids in air-dry above-ground mass of plants is 2?6%, alcohol - 1,3%, mono - and disaccharides 6,2%. High ratio of mass fraction to the mass fraction of sugars, acids, determines how good palatability of herbage plants by farm animals is, and the pleasant taste of the dishes, with the addition of fresh or blanched green plants in the human diet. Flavonols contains 6,2% in terms of dry substance. Mature fruits (seeds) of Bunias orientalis contain an average of 12% non-polar lipids. Three acids: oleic, linoleic and linolenic acid dominate and their mass fraction is not less than 33,3 mg to 100 mg oil. The value of oil is that the maximum fatty acids have been detected only in minor amounts (in the amount of 2,32 mg / 100 mg oil) with a predominance of polyunsaturated fatty acids.


Bunias orientalis, biochemical composition, seeds, above-ground mass

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IDR: 148205168

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