Bioenergetic potential of SLBAC in cows with different concentrations of somatic cells in milk
Автор: Samusenko L.D., Mamaev A.V.
Журнал: Вестник аграрной науки @vestnikogau
Рубрика: Сельскохозяйственные науки
Статья в выпуске: 4 (109), 2024 года.
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In Russia and in the world there are still no express methods that would allow to determine the total number of somatic cells quickly (one of the most important indicators of microflora) in raw milk and exclude the entry into the market of goods unsuitable for certain requirements. In our opinion, the introduction of methods for assessing the quality of livestock raw materials and, in particular, milk of digital technology elements into practice is a promising task. The aim of the research is to study the concentration of somatic cells in milk of cows with different levels of bioelectric potentials of the SLBAC. The research was carried out on cattle of the black-and-white Holstein breed. The measurements of the bioelectric potential level were carried out with an ELAP-type device in the SLBAC №49, №56, №57, №59, №60 for three consecutive days, the average level was calculated. Parameterization indicators of the bioenergoinformational system of the SLBAC №49, №56, №57, №59, №60 of the organism can be used as a criterion for assessing the sanitary condition of cow's milk. In cows, the LBP of SLBAC correlates in a straight line with the LBP, with the number of somatic cells in the milk of cows from 500 to 1000 thousand in 1 cm3, the LBP of SLBAC is 45.5 ± 3.3 µA, at -300 thousand in 1 cm3 or less, the LBP of SLBAC was 22.16 µA. The use of bioinformational systems of the body as elements of digital composition in dairy cattle breeding will significantly increase labor productivity, quality and quantity of livestock products, as well as predict the level of productivity of cows.
Cows, somatic cells, level of bioelectric potential (lbp), slbac
Короткий адрес:
IDR: 147246169 | DOI: 10.17238/issn2587-666X.2024.4.50