Современные вопросы микробиологии и биобезопасности окружающей среды. Рубрика в журнале - Биология в сельском хозяйстве

Публикации в рубрике (1): Современные вопросы микробиологии и биобезопасности окружающей среды
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Microbiological analysis of waters

Microbiological analysis of waters

Haffaressas Y., Hamoudi S., Mouffok F.

Статья научная

The objective of the bacteriological analysis of a water is not to make an inventory of all the species present, but to search for those which are likely to be pathogenic or, what is often easier, those which the companions and who are in greater numbers often present in the intestine of mammals and are by their presence indicative of fecal contamination and therefore diseases associated with fecal contamination. In this article, we will see how to perform a bacteriological analysis of water. An analysis that begins with the sampling procedure that must implement methods to ensure the absence of contamination of the sample and bacterial survival (storage conditions). The following are general methods of bacteriological examination of laboratory water; Finally, a selection of applied techniques is presented for the detection of pollution indicator bacteria and treatment efficacy (Aerobic revivable bacteria , total Coliforms, thermotolerant Coliforms, Enterococci, Sulphito-reducing Anaerobes), then specific bacteria, strict pathogens or opportunistic pathogens. It can be noted that the absence of faecal contamination does not suggest the absence of any potentially pathogenic species (eg.Salmonella, Staphylococcus, Pseudomonas ...).

