Biorhythmical characteristics of the age structure of reference to medical care and outpatient treatment duration in patients with degenerative-and-dystrophic diseases of the hip
Автор: Avrounin A.S., Kornilov N.V., Grigoriyev A.М.
Журнал: Гений ортопедии @geniy-ortopedii
Рубрика: Оригинальные статьи
Статья в выпуске: 1, 2003 года.
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197 women at the age of 17-82 and 59 men at the age of 25-85 years with degenerative involvements of the hip who were subjected to outpatient treatment within 1992-1994 due to the process aggravation were included in the study. It was established that the share of reference to medical care both in female, and male patients changed in a wave-like manner at the period of 9,3 years (=2,9 years) and 9,5 years (=4,9 years), respectively. The duration of treatment (that means resistance to the therapy conducted) also changed in a wave-like manner provided mean duration of 7,8 years (=2,3 years) and 9,5 years (=3.9 years), respectively. The maximal shares of aggravations and treatment duration were noted in agreement in women at the age of 24, 34-35, 41-42, 50-52, 59-60, 66-69, 76 years and in men at the age of 41-42, 57, 68-69 and 75-76. It was supposed that marked regulatory-and-metabolic reorganizations were taking place at these age terms.
Hip (joint), deforming arthrosis, age periodization
Короткий адрес:
IDR: 142120562