Biotechnology for kefir with new qualities

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Modern kefir production is based on the milk acidification process with the use of kefir grains by alcohol and lactic acid fermentation. Casein large molecules are fermented by sourdough’ microorganisms, and as a result they are digested much more effectively by the body. Thanks to a special composition of the sourdough’ microbiota, which composed of yeast, lactic acid and acetic acid bacteria, kefir is especially useful for a person of any age, helps to restore energy balance of human body, beneficial effects on the nervous system and metabolic processes. On the basis of the traditional technology of kefir production, which includes processes of normalization, homogenization, pasteurization, cooling to a temperature of fermentation, injection of sourdough, has been developed kefir production technology with the introduction of the ferment transglyutaminase that provides the generation of its own lactoferrin by the composition of microorganisms in kefir grains. Lactoferrin content ranges from 500 to 1100 mg/l, which is considerably higher than in the control group (300 mg/l). Lactoferrin is natural antioxidant that prevents the effect of early aging of the organism, contributes to the preservation of a healthy gastrointestinal tract. In many ways lactoferrin contributes to the preservation of health and fully supports the active longevity.


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IDR: 14040188

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