The bureaucracy of the welfare state: some problems, trends, directions of transformation

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The object of this study is the bureaucracy as an institution of the welfare rule-of-law state. The author notes the following contradictory trends in the formation of modern Russian model of bureaucracy: smaller influence of paternalism traditions proper to the Russian civilization and statehood, strengthening of bureaucratization, growth of citizens' distrust to officials, society stratification on the principle of property etc. The author of the paper formulates some ways of increasing the efficiency of state administration in the Russian Federation (introduction of indicators of effectiveness and efficiency of activities of state bodies and civil servants; fighting corruption, identifying and eliminating the causes and conditions of its emergence) that meet the goals of the development of the welfare rule-of-law state. The author outlines the spheres of interaction and cooperation of the bureaucracy and the civil society, acting as an active participant of the effective social policy, human capital saving and development.


Welfare state, constitution of the russian federation, political and legal theory, bureaucracy, public administration, administrative reform, social relations, civil society, paternalism, legal consciousness, rule-of-law state, criteria of efficiency of public administration


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IDR: 142233871

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