Charity. Assistance to those in need, from various foundations and communities, as an addition or alternative to state social assistance in Kyrgyzstan

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In this article, the author tells on the example of Kyrgyzstan that assistance to the needy segments of the population is provided not only by the state, but also by other sources. In particular, these are international foundations and organizations, public and private foundations, Muslim communities, and business structures. The author points out that charity, in one form or another, has existed since ancient times. The article also says that alternative, non-governmental structures can make an important contribution to the fight against poverty and other social problems.

Charity, public foundations, kyrgyzstan, social assistance, society, poverty

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 170205478   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2024-6-3-73-75

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