Charity and volunteer practices during the World War I in relation to wounded soldiers

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The article examines charitable and volunteer practices aimed at helping the army and wounded soldiers. A short essay on the history of charity is presented. Particular attention is paid to such a form of charity as alms. The authors conclude: over time, alms took shape in large charitable donations, which reached their highest peak during the World War. Of interest are the materials of local newspapers in the cities of Saratov and Tsaritsyn, geographically closest to the authors. The results of a study of such publications as reports on public collections of funds and things, appeals to compatriots about helping soldiers are presented. The activities of the "Tsaritsyn Ladies' Committee for the provision of assistance to the sick and wounded" are analyzed.


Charity, alms, relief directions, world war i, wounded, infirmaries, public donations

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IDR: 170207025   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2024-10-4-52-56

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