Buddhist axiology: genesis of absolute values

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The article presents the results of the investigation of the ontological basis of the Buddhist absolute values that have soteriological significance, for which semantic and hermeneutic analysis of original Tibetan texts was carried out. The code language of the system of «great elements» (earth, water, wind, fire and space) that makes it possible to describe phenomena of different levels of the reality was used as a method of the investigation. The article outlines two levels of the emotional aspect of a human mind - the lower, egoistic level and the higher, altruistic level. Emotional impulses of both the levels manifest themselves in human everyday life, which constitutes the dynamics of emotional life and the basis for self-perfection. The structure of the emotional aspect of a human mind, the structure of the unconscious is described in many cultures; however, the specific feature of the Buddhist approach is the system conception of this sphere, which makes it possible to comprehend and master this structure, i.e. it gives the method.


System of "great elements", axiology, pure emotions, unconscious

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/142143023

IDR: 142143023

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