Calculation of characteristics of thermoelectric cooling system of heat-loaded elements of radio electronic equipment

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Modern technologies make it possible to construct electronic devices that combine small sizes and high energy con- sumption, which requires the optimization of thermal modes. A promising direction to improve cooling intensity of the heat-loaded element (HLE) and precision of temperature control is applying thermoelectric modules (TEMs), which endow the heat release system with a cooling function, i. e., allow to reach temperatures of the HLE below ambient temperature. In the present paper, the processes of heat transfer in thermoelectric system of cooling and temperature control (TESCTC) are comprehensively considered. The temperature field in the capacity of heat-distributing plate (HDP), and influence of the heat flux inhomogeneity on the HLE temperature increase have been defined. The results of operating modes calculations, taking into account the heat-power release of HLE, performance of TEM, parameters of HDP and cooler, and magnitude of thermal resistance of thermal contacts have been presented. The calculation method allows to determine the temperature of HLE and to optimize TESCTC modes to achieve maximum cooling effi- ciency and lower energy consumption. It has been found that the optimal power supply current of TEM, corresponding to the modes with the maximum efficiency of cooling, depends on the thermal resistance of the heat sink system and the power of the heat load.


Thermoelectric module, heat mode, heat-loaded element, cooling system, thermal resistance

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148177794

Список литературы Calculation of characteristics of thermoelectric cooling system of heat-loaded elements of radio electronic equipment

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