A private security guard is a bodyguard in the system of relations that develop in the relationship of protecting life and health
Автор: Artem A. Schmidt, Margarita B. Niftalieva
Журнал: Правопорядок: история, теория, практика @legal-order
Рубрика: Административная деятельность
Статья в выпуске: 1 (36), 2023 года.
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The article analyzes the relations that have actually developed in the Russian legal reality to protect the life and health of citizens by private bodyguards, who have the legal status of private security guards, who provide private security services under conditions of fragmented legal regulation. On the basis of empirical methods, the international experience of security organizations in providing services to protect the life and health of individuals, the genesis of legislation on non-state security activities is analyzed. Gaps are stated in the legal regulation of relations of protection of the individual by non-state subjects of protection. The relations that arise between the customer and the private security organization are analyzed by the authors in the context of the draft of a new federal law on private security activities being considered in the State Duma of the Russian Federation. In comparison with the current law, the draft provides for a partial solution to the issue of legal regulation of relations to protect the life and health of individuals by expanding the content of the “object of protection” category. Additions to the legislation on private security activities are proposed, filling in the gaps in the relationship between the customer of services (client), bodyguard and private security organization. Promising spheres of using the institution of a private security-bodyguard are proposed.
Private security activity, object of protection, safety of citizens, citizens’ rights, protection of life and health
Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/14125917
IDR: 14125917 | DOI: 10.47475/2311-696X-2023-10107