The human and the technical world: the ecological vector of philosophical comprehension

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Under technicalization of practically all aspects of a person’s life and the vital world, the ecology of a person’s direct experience of their relations with all elements of the world is a problem both in the real existence of modern man and in theoretical knowledge about him. The article presents the experience of philosophical reflection necessary for finding the optimal way to solve a number of fundamental issues that have become relevant again: How is a person possible in a technical world? What is the general (i.e. philosophical - as a general level of understanding) basis of human relations with the technicalized world? How is knowledge about man possible and what should it be like in the new conditions of the technical world? A person in the technical world is possible as a person, so it is necessary to develop and strengthen the ecological way of their relations, to preserve / reproduce them as relations between the natural and the artificial, the «living» and the «nonliving». The ecological approach is based on the logic of the inter-proportionality of man and the world, on maintaining proportionality, correlating the possibilities of full reproduction and development of each of the «origins» - the human and the technical - in their orientation towards each other. It is based on the principle of optimality in relations between the parties, when there are created the best opportunities for development and realization of each of the parties’ internal potential. The ecological approach has a methodological significance in theoretical and practical senses: it can be considered both as an approach in theoretical research and as an approach to organizing and implementing practical relations of a person with the technical world.


Human, technology, technical world, ecological vector, ecological dimension, ecology of human being, ecohumanism

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 147229575   |   DOI: 10.17072/2078-7898/2020-2-181-191

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