Chromosome number and hybridization of rough gentian (Gentiana scabra Bunge) and three flowered gentian (Gentiana triflora Pall.) in the south of Primorsky region (Russia)

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The results of chromosome number study and experimental hybridization between Gentiana scabra и G. triflora, medicinal plants widely used in China, are presented. It was shown that both spe-cies are characterized by the same chtomosome number (2n=26), that may facilitate hybridization between these species. It was the first chromo-some count for G. triflora. The hybrids between two species were obtained in crossing experiments and their fertility was compared. It was found out that percentage of mature seeds was significantly high-er in G. triflora х G. scabra in comparison with G. scabra х G. triflora hybrid. High fertility of G. triflora х G. scabra plants suggests that they could be used in further experiments aiming estab-lishment of new breeds suitable for pharmacology.


Gentian, hybridization, primorsk re-gion

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 14084670

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