What is higher education internationalization? Forms and trust

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The article discusses theoretical and practical aspects of the internationalization of university; based on the 8 years of experience in scientific communication between the oldest Russian medical university in Samara (SSMU) and European university clinics in Düsseldorf, Essen, Hanover and Greifswald. More than 100 SSMU students and 10 leading professors have visited specialized clinics in Düsseldorf, Essen, Hanover. "Innovation and motivation" is the name of the special program for students from Samara. It included daily clinical practice and lectures on innovation, as well as a cultural program at weekends. Professor A.Lichtenberg and Professor M.Jaeger, together with Professor L.T.Volova and Professor A.V.Kolsanov, co-sponsored Russian-German grants. Such communication promotes the image of regions in Russia and Germany, as well as expanding cultural and scientific horizons of participants. However, the experience of internationalization has revealed a number of infrastructural, financial and image problems.


The internationalization of university, forms of internationalization of medical universities in Russia and germany, an integrated approach and synergy

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IDR: 148102038

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