Digital diagnostics of parafunctional disorders of the masticatory muscles with increased tooth abrasion

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In the domestic and foreign literature, studies are published on the relationship of a decrease in interalveolar height due to increased tooth abrasion with disorders of chewing muscles (bruxism). The main signs of bruxism are clenching and gnashing of teeth. However, along with their general properties, there is no information about their difference in the state of muscle tone, which was the purpose of the study. The processes were modeled and a comparative assessment of the state of muscle tone in these symptoms was carried out on the basis of a digital research method-electromyography. 2 groups were formed for the analysis: the main (I and II subgroups) and the control. Subgroup I included patients with the main symptom of "clenching teeth", and subgroup II included patients with "gnashing teeth". The results showed higher average values of the amplitude of biopotentials in the masticatory and temporal muscles in subgroup I compared with subgroup II. Digital diagnostics by the EMG method made it possible to establish the presence of parafunctional disorders of the masticatory muscles.


Positive correlation, emg modeling, mechanical processes, bioelectric activity, statistical processing, application programs, information system, preventive diagnostics, digital block

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148328580   |   DOI: 10.37313/2413-9645-2024-26-94-114-118

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