Digital diplomacy in case of the US-North Korea agreement in the world media resources: assessments and features

Автор: Sharapov Anton M.

Журнал: Общество: политика, экономика, право @society-pel

Рубрика: Политика

Статья в выпуске: 12, 2024 года.

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A specific feature of the period of US President Donald Trump’s term of office is his practice of covering current and planned events in international politics both by the United States itself and other countries and international organizations and associations in his unofficial Twitter account, which, however, did not find a large number of followers of such a practice of publicizing foreign policy decisions among politicians of the conditional collective West, and in the media, this practice has received a mixed assessment. In the article, the author examines the phenomenon of “digital diplomacy” and “twitter diplomacy” using the example of coverage of the meeting between D. Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. Based on an analysis of the assessments formulated in the Twitter accounts of North American and European politicians, as well as an analysis of the coverage of the meeting between D. Trump and Kim Jong-Un, held on June 30, 2019. in the demilitarized zone on the 38th parallel of the Korean Peninsula, the author concludes about the ambiguity of such assessments and their significant difference in comparison with those assessments that were posted on Internet resources in the United States and other countries belonging to the conditional West before the meeting of the two leaders and immediately after it took place. It is also noted that the mechanism actively used by D. Trump to announce foreign policy events and intentions without prior coordination with diplomatic structures has not found support in the practice of communication between leaders of states.


Twitter diplomacy, mass media, the internet, d. trump, kim jong un, denuclearization of the korean peninsula, nuclear security, digital diplomacy

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IDR: 149146653   |   DOI: 10.24158/pep.2024.12.9

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