The digital transformation of retail

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Digitalization is currently one of the most significant trends in both the Russian and international retail markets. It has repeatedly demonstrated its effectiveness not only in communication with consumers and operations at the store level, but also in the management of organizations. The purpose of this article is a comparative analysis of domestic and foreign experience in the implementation of digital technologies in management systems. The directions in which domestic companies have already reached world standards are outlined, as well as areas where Russian retail retains the potential for further growth. The recommendations formulated by the author based on the analysis of the best foreign practices can be successfully applied both in scientific and methodological research and in business practice to improve the efficiency of relevant processes.


Digitalization, digital transformation, retailment, retail, management, management system, digital technologies, digitalization of management, foreign digitalization practice

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IDR: 170206736   |   DOI: 10.24412/2411-0450-2024-10-2-6-9

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