Digitalization of civil turnover in the context of the digital socio-economic paradigm: main problems and prospects of development

Автор: Sevostyanov Vadim V., Mineev Oleg A.

Журнал: Legal Concept @legal-concept

Рубрика: Главная тема номера

Статья в выпуске: 1 т.21, 2022 года.

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Introduction: the active development of digital technologies sets innovative research goals for the scientific community, and therefore digital socio-economic interaction should be provided with an appropriate regulatory framework. Among the most important problems is the solution of interdisciplinary issues related to the digitalization of propertyturnover. The purpose of the studyis to consider the keyinterdisciplinaryresearch and practical problems of digitalization of property turnover and to develop the main directions of development of the phenomenon under study. To achieve this goal, some tasks were set and implemented, namely: the analysis of the current state of the digital environment, property turnover, legislation, and scientific doctrine; the identification of research and practical problems related to digital currency, smart contracts, and digital trade; the justification of the proposed ways to solve interdisciplinary research and practical problems. Methods: the study was conducted using the comparative law method and the modeling method. The identification of interdisciplinary research and practical problems, as well as methods of their solving, was based on the methods of ascent from the abstract to the concrete, induction, and deduction. As a result of the implementation of the research objectives using the general scientific and specific scientific methods described above, the constitutive features of the key elements of property turnover in the digital environment, such as digital currency, smart contract, electronic commerce, have been determined. Results: both doctrinal and practical problems related to the essence and features of the above elements, as well as the legal regulation of relations concerned, have been identified. These elements are considered in two dimensions: in the information system and in the legal field. In addition, significant gaps have been identified in the regulatoryframework ofrelations concerned; the impossibilityofapplying the classical regime of civil rights objectsand document management rules to digital objects and processes has been substantiated. Conclusions: based on the results of the study, specific ways of solving interdisciplinary theoretical and practical problems of digitalization of property turnover have been proposed, which are of great importance for both scientific and practical research in the field of law.


Digitalization, the object of civil law, digital currency, smart contract, contract

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 149139746

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