Digitalization of the society: new challenges in social sphere

Автор: Zhulego V.G., Balyakin A.A., Nurbina M.V., Taranenko S.B.

Журнал: Вестник Алтайской академии экономики и права @vestnik-aael

Рубрика: Экономические науки

Статья в выпуске: 9-2, 2019 года.

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The role of digital technology in society is discussed. Big data technologies are considered as an object of research. On their example, it is shown that the introduction of digital technology leads to a number of institutional problems. Moreover, the most serious risks and challenges are associated not with the technical side of new technologies, but with the social and economic consequences of digitalization. One of the possible consequences of digitalization is the growing alienation. There is a dehumanization of society, as well as a disproportionate development of low-tech industries, backed by a number of new innovative technologies. Also, depending on the algorithms used, the information gains value, not immanent in nature, but that arises as a result of using big data technology: information begins to act as a commodity and as a means. Since the ongoing processes does not mean the creation of new knowledge, it is proposed to interpret these risks and challenges not as revolutionary, but as the next stage in the development of human society. This fact allows us to formulate possible approaches to solving problems arising in the digitalization process. The authors see the main decision as the formation of a scientific culture of the use of digital infrastructure.


Big data, digitalization, socio-economic development

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IDR: 142222851

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