Digitalization in the system of priorities for the development of russian universities: an expertview

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Universities have been formed in the era of communication through the «printed text», and the digital revolution taking place in the world in the last decades creates new opportunities and challenges for them. Digital technologies form a fundamentally new basis for the production, storage and transmission of knowledge; they lead to a profound transformation of all types of communication, content and organization of thinking and activity. In order to manage higher education development in Russia, it is important to understand 1) which place digitalization has among development priorities of universities, 2) whether their strategies produce the leadership in production and use of modern digital technologies or there is a risk that universities will become outsiders in this field. The article presents the results of a large-scale expert survey (1481 experts from 65 universities) on the prospects and priorities of the development of universities in Russia. Key research questions are: 1) which place digitalization takes among other large-scale changes («trends») topical for the modern university; 2) which place «digital challenge» occupies among other challenges? 3) do the actual priorities of Russian universities management reflect the significance of the «digital challenge»? According to the survey, the «total digitalization» of the economy and society will be the key trend in the period until 2035. Consequently, the «digitalization challenge» (the need to move towards the large-scale use of digital technologies in education and university management) will be the most significant one for universities. The experts believe that investment in digital infrastructure should feature prominently in the system of development priorities and have quick impact. However, the survey shows a certain gap between the «due» (according to the experts) and the actual structure of the priorities for the development of Russian universities. The main trend of changes and the challenge for universities is «digitalization», while among the actual priorities of investment in development, «PR and promotion of the university», «cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Science and federal agencies» are at the first positions, and investment in digital infrastructure is only at the third position. Even lower is the actual priority of such important areas of investment as the motivation of teachers and students («investment in activity»); international cooperation; cooperation with business; educational technology of the new generation; attraction of «new students»; attraction of «new personnel»; starting the exploratory research; support for scientific schools. Among the various elements of higher education reform in Russia, the «digitization» of the educational process is viewed by experts as the most promising direction, which is already showing its effectiveness. The survey results show the need for amending the strategic priorities of Russian universities. While maintaining a high priority of investment in digital technologies, it is necessary to raise the priority of investment in human capital, i. e. in «new personnel» (leading scientists, practitioners with unique experience, talented young scientists and teachers, etc.), stimulating the initiative of teachers, staff and students and their involvement in development process.


Universities, higher education reforms, digital revolution, digital technology, investment in development

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 142227278   |   DOI: 10.15826/umpa.2018.04.040

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