Digital resources in the formation of natural science literacy of students

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In the modern world, technology and digital innovations are rapidly developing, causing profound transformations in society. The key to successful adaptation to a rapidly changing world lies in the development of students' ability to self-organize and develop the ability to work with information from various fields of knowledge, in the formation of critical thinking. Therefore, the development of functional literacy and the ability to use modern digital resources by students is a key issue. The formation of natural science literacy (EG) as part of functional literacy consists in the formation of the following core competencies: «the ability to scientifically explain phenomena; the ability to evaluate and plan scientific research; the ability to scientifically interpret evidence and data». The purpose of this work is to analyze the experience of teachers using modern digital resources for the development of their students and to study the readiness of students of a pedagogical university to use digital resources to carry out this type of pedagogical activity. The authors of the article conducted a survey and analyzed the experience of using digital resources in the development of students' EG. This allowed us to conclude that among the digital resources contributing to the development of students' EG, the most effective are the methodological materials of the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements, the publishing house «Prosveshchenie», the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation and the resource «Rossijskaya elektronnaya shkola». Teachers should also pay attention to such digital resources as «Internet-urok», «Videouroki», «YaKlass» and «Global Lab».


Digital resources, functional literacy, natural science literacy

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148328950   |   DOI: 10.37313/2413-9645-2024-26-96-41-48

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