Cluster method of using mobile applications in the education process

Автор: Akhmedov B.A., Eshnazarova M.Yu., Rustamov U.R., Xudoyberdiyev R.F.

Журнал: Экономика и социум @ekonomika-socium

Рубрика: Информационные и коммуникативные технологии

Статья в выпуске: 12-2 (79), 2020 года.

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This quantitative, qualitative study investigates the usage of mobile phone applications in teaching and learning processes. The study aims to identify the benefits and resolutions of using mobile phone applications. The study was conducted in the Informatics Department at Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute and Namangan state University at the second semester of the academic years 2019/2020. The study focuses on the educational process management. The results showed that most students responded positively to using mobile applications in teaching and learning processes. In addition, all students had smart phones, and they used varied brands applications in the learning process. Moreover, the results indicated that students understand and learn better through using the applications.


System of continuous pedagogical education, educational cluster, training of future teachers, mobile applications, information technologies

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140258256

Список литературы Cluster method of using mobile applications in the education process

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