Comparing Nonsubsampled Wavelet, Contourlet and Shearlet Transforms for Ultrasound Image Despeckling

Автор: Sedigheh Ghofrani

Журнал: International Journal of Image, Graphics and Signal Processing(IJIGSP) @ijigsp

Статья в выпуске: 2 vol.7, 2015 года.

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Ultrasound images suffer of multiplicative noise named speckle. Bayesian shrinkage in transform domain is a well-known method based on finding threshold value to suppress the speckle noise. The main problem of applying Bayesian shrinkage is finding the optimum threshold value in appropriate transform domain. In this paper, we compare the performance of adaptive Bayesian thresholding when nonsubsampled Wavelet, Contourlet and Shearlet transforms are used. We processed two synthetic test images and three original ultrasound images as well to demonstrate the efficiency of the designed filters. In order to compare the performance of Bayesian shrinkage when employing the three mentioned transform domain, we used peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR), mean square error (MSE), and structural similarity (SSIM) as the full-reference (FR) objective criteria parameters and noise variance (NV), mean square difference (MSD), and equivalent number of looks (ENL) as the no-reference (NR) objective criteria parameters.


Nonsubsampled Wavelet, nonsubsampled Contourlet, nonsubsampled Shearlet, ultrasound image despeckling, Bayesian thresholding

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IDR: 15013524

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