Computer science program in moroccan secondary schools: curricula analysis
Автор: Ibrahim Ouahbi, Hassane Darhmaoui, Fatiha Kaddari, Abdellah Bemmouna
Журнал: International Journal of Modern Education and Computer Science @ijmecs
Статья в выпуске: 3 vol.11, 2019 года.
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The methodology of teaching informatics is a reflection subject that arouses increasing interest both locally and internationally. Debates on the curricula of the discipline are always at the center of many discussions amongst computer scientists and other concerned educators. Teaching Computer science in secondary schools is increasingly perceived as having similar status like teaching mathematics, life and earth sciences, chemistry, and physics. In this paper we report and analyze the current status of computer science education in Moroccan secondary schools in light of the governing official instructions by the ministry of education. We also discuss the generalization of computer education in Moroccan secondary schools probing the emergence of teaching it as a disciplinary subject rather than a tool in other fields. Our analysis shows that teaching informatics in Morocco is not conform to the set ministerial objectives and it necessitate a reform in both its teaching methodology and content.
Computer science in Morocco, Computer science discipline, Computer science curricula
Короткий адрес:
IDR: 15016834 | DOI: 10.5815/ijmecs.2019.03.02
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