Contribution of agriculture to the economic development of Serbia

Автор: Dašić Boban, Trklja Radmila, Milosavljević Valentina

Журнал: Ekonomski signali @esignali

Статья в выпуске: 2 vol.15, 2020 года.

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The overall economic development of a national economy depends on the development of individual economic and noneconomic activities. Agriculture as an economic activity occupies a significant place in the overall development process of a country. The dependence of agriculture on natural conditions such as climate, geographical location, quality and other characteristics of the land, has the consequence that the contribution of agriculture to the overall economic development will not be the same depending on the above factors. The place and importance of agriculture in the overall economic development varies depending on the observation period because there are differences related to key development factors, as well as the place and importance of agriculture in the overall economic development. The participation of agriculture in the overall economic structure is especially important, although this certainly does not mean that countries with a higher share of agriculture in the economic structure reach higher levels of development. Countries with a large share of agriculture in the economic structure are usually underdeveloped or less developed, while in developed countries the share of agriculture in the economic structure is at a very low level. In a large number of countries, agriculture is still the main economic activity with which the largest number of inhabitants is engaged in proportion. The subject of this paper refers to the contribution to the development of agriculture from the aspect of its role and importance in the overall economic development.


Agriculture, economic activity, economic development, national economy, economic structure

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 170204064   |   DOI: 10.5937/ekonsig2002001D

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