Control in the control system

Автор: Vasileva Y.D.

Журнал: Форум молодых ученых @forum-nauka

Статья в выпуске: 4 (4), 2016 года.

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The purpose of my work is the study of the control in the control system, precisely its conception, types, process, and characteristics of effective control

Control, types of control, management control

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140276685

Список литературы Control in the control system

  • Kabushkin N. I. Fundamentals of management - Mn.: New knowledge, 2002
  • Gerchikova JH. Management. - M.: YUNITI, 1995.
  • Michael Meskon, etc., Fundamentals of management, - M., 1995.
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