Control process absolute stability analysis of charge-discharge device with load converter in constant power mode

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To reduce life time testing period of lithium-ion accumulator (LIA) special dynamic stress test (DST) is widely used. Lithium-ion accumulator dynamic stress test requires automatic charge-discharge devices (CDD) which provides nec- essary DST technological parameters with required precision. Authors developed charge-discharge devices with load converters (CDD-LC), which allow to reproduce required charge-discharge modes of high-power LIA automatically. LIA cyclic charge-discharge with constant power pulses is the most difficult mode of DST. In this case, control sys- tem became nonlinear and time variant due to computation of signal power as multiply of LIA voltage and current. Authors studied mathematical model of electromagnetic processes of CDD-LC in LIA power stabilization mode, formulated requirements to power stabilization control loop quality parameters, synthesized correction devices provid- ing necessary control quality, studied CDD-LC control process absolute stability with Naumov-Tsypkin in LIA power stabilization and regulation modes.


Capacity, power, control system, correction device, absolute stability, lithium-ion accumulator, charge-discharge, load converter

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IDR: 148321840   |   DOI: 10.31772/2587-6066-2018-19-2-281-292

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