Cooperation between Russia and Norway: strengthening dialogue in the Arctic
Автор: Bhagwat Ja.V., Rogachev I.V.
Журнал: Вестник ВолГУ. Серия: История. Регионоведение. Международные отношения @hfrir-jvolsu
Рубрика: Европейские политические процессы
Статья в выпуске: 3 т.28, 2023 года.
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This study analyzes the degree of influence of international tension due to anti-Russian sanctions on relations between Russia and Norwayat thegovernmental and regional levels, includingpolitical, economic, environmental, cultural, and other spheres. The authors begin by discussing how Norway's accession to anti-Russian sanctions and active involvement in NATO have affected bilateral relations, especially in the economic and political spheres. The presented work is based on the principles of historicism and objectivity. The methodological framework for writing the article is the model of neoliberal institutionalism and constructivism. The source base of the study, in addition to publications in periodicals, consists of official documents regulating the foreign policyactivities of Russia and Norway . The article attempts to structure the relations of the twoArctic neighbouring countries under new international conditions by highlighting two levels of interaction - governmental and regional - as well as critical elements, including issues of economic cooperation, mutual sanctions, cooperation in the field ofenvironmental protection and fisheries, cooperation between the two countries in Spitsbergen, cooperation in science, culture, and education; and regional cooperation between Russia and Norway in the North and the Arctic. The article discusses to what extent security issues affect the development of the Russian-Norwegian dialogue in using the NSR as a transport route and problematic issues around Spitsbergen. Finally, the authors consider what practical measures are being taken by Russia and Norway to mitigate the general international tension in the bilateral dialogue using public diplomacy in the framework of strengthening and expanding contacts through the Barents Cooperation and interaction at the level of municipalities as well as universities in Russia and Norway. The authors conclude that notwithstanding geopolitical tensions, regional cooperation due to common borders, cultural and historical heritage, and the geo-economic relationship could be the primarydrivers for the revival of ties between the two countries. Authors'contribution . Jawahar Vishnu Bhagwat developed the concept of the study and worked out its theoretical and methodological foundations. I.V. Rogachevanalyzed the policies of Russia and Norway in various areas of bilateral cooperation and formulated the final conclusions.
Russia, norway, arctic, cross-border cooperation, barents euro-arctic region, northern sea route
Короткий адрес:
IDR: 149143754 | DOI: 10.15688/jvolsu4.2023.3.12
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