Activity of the government apparatus of the Russian Federation on formation of the CSTO management bodies and the legal framework of their activities

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Conflicts connected with territorial and national contradictions took place in the neighbouring states of Russia, and on Russian territories, that led the Russian government to the need of associating with these states. Their common goal is to protect the sovereignty, to stabilize the military and political situation and to consolidate peace. In this connection the government launched activity aiming at the formation of collective security system. The author points out main stages of activity by government bodies of Russian Federation on establishing the CSTO (Collective Security Treaty Organization) managing bodies and their legal base. The article describes basic stages of Russian government activity on the development of CSTO managing bodies. The author connects the beginning of CSTO managing bodies formation with the signing of Collective Security Contract and defines the role of the main documentation adopted in the context of CSTO. The article enlists the main difficulties arising in the process of establishing and developing the organization's legal base and studies the key military and political operations which had influence on these processes. The author evaluates the activity of government machinery of the Russian Federation which allowed establishing the main legal base of managing bodies. As a result the conflicts between post-Soviet states were prevented and the tensions in collective security regions were reduced.


Collective security treaty organization, the collective security council, secretary general of the collective security council, the council of ministers of defense, the council of ministers of foreign affairs, the committee of security councils secretaries, the secretariat of the collective security council


Короткий адрес:

IDR: 14971927

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