Yu. M. Steklov's activity in supervision of the scientific committee under the CEC USSR (1928–1935)

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The article is devoted to the work of Yu. M. Steklov, representative of the «old party intelligentsia», a famous Soviet journalist of the 1920– 1930s, in the Scientific Committee of the USSR Central Executive Committee – body to focus a management scientific and educational institutions with union status. In his role as Chairman of the Scientific Committee, and then the first deputy, Yu. M. Steklov led the work of the body, trying to strengthen its position in the management of science and education. On the basis of archival documents describes the main activities of Yu. M. Steklov.

Organization of science, management bodies, steklov, the scientific committee under the cec

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/147218998

IDR: 147218998

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