Activities of local self-government bodies for cadastral registration of borders of localities and territorial zones (on the example of the Polevsky city district)

Автор: Kormiltseva T.A.

Журнал: Мировая наука @science-j

Рубрика: Гуманитарные и общественные науки

Статья в выпуске: 12 (45), 2020 года.

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In the modern world, in accordance with current legislation, there is a need for state cadastral registration of the borders of localities and territorial zones. This procedure involves entering into the Unified state register of real estate (hereinafter - usrn) information about the location of the borders of territorial zones and localities, established on the basis of documents of territorial planning and urban zoning, which are approved by a regulatory act of the local government. The availability of such a system allows you to obtain objective information about real estate throughout the Russian Federation, provides information support for state control and management processes, and allows you to more effectively implement state/municipal programs aimed at the comprehensive development of urban development. This article highlights the features of cadastral registration of borders of localities and territorial zones, as well as the problems that arise when working on the preparation of documents for their entry into the unified state register.


Borders of locality, borders of territorial zones, state cadastral registration, unified state register of real estate, urban planning zoning, territorial planning

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