Natural salt solution effect on bluegrass-wheatgrass plants association

Автор: Olga A. Vlasenko, Natalia L. Kurachenko, Olga A. Ulyanova, Ekaterina Yu. Casanova

Журнал: Вестник Красноярского государственного аграрного университета @vestnik-kgau

Рубрика: Агрономия

Статья в выпуске: 9, 2021 года.

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The aim of research was to study the possibility of using a mixture of natural brine of Troitsk salt and a nonionic surfactant (adhesive) as a herbicidal agent for the bluegrass-wheatgrass plants association of road slope plants. The object of the study was the bluegrass-wheatgrass association of plants on the slope of a highway adjacent to arable land, located on the territory of the Krasnoyarsk forest-steppe within the land use of the Minderdinskoye experimental farm of the Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University. Slope soils are quasi-earths and are characterized by high sodding (95–100 %), low thickness (5–10 cm) and stony (up to 40 %), the humus content is medium and very high (5.2–9.5 %), the supply of nitrate and ammonium nitrogen during the growing season ranged from very low to very high (1.8-23 mg/kg), the content of exchangeable potassium is very high (455 mg/kg), the content of mobile phosphorus is high (335 mg/kg). The reaction of the environment during the growing season was neutral – 6.6–7.2. Among the weeds on the slope, the dominant species of segetal-ruderal habitats were Elytrigia repens (L.) Nevski (wheatgrass) and Poa pratensis L. (meadow bluegrass); Phleum pratense L. (Timothy grass), Dactylis glomerata L.), Festuca pratensis Huds. (Meadow fescue), Avena fatua L. (Empty oats). Spraying with 30 % brine of natural Troitsk salt was carried out in the tillering phase of cereals in June 2021 according to the following experiment scheme: 1) control (without treatment); 2) treatment of plants with a 30 % solution of natural salt; 3) treatment of plants with a 30 % solution of natural salt with an adhesive "Satellite", J. It was found that the Troitsk salt solution (30 %) in the variants with and without the adhesive did not have a stable herbicidal effect on the bluegrass-wheatgrass association of weeds. The toxic effect of the Troitsk salt solution (30 %) was manifested in relation to the annual ruderal species Thlaspi arvense L.


Bluegrass-wheatgrass association, Troitsk salt, herbicidal activity, quasi-earth, phytomass.

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140257808   |   DOI: 10.36718/1819-4036-2021-9-100-107

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