Deliberative and aggregative models of democracy and I. Berlins agonistic liberalism

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The author considers I. Berlin as a philosopher who has updated the problem of compatibility of liberalism and value pluralism and forms of existence of different cultures. The author argues that the idea of value pluralism has been embedded into the context of contemporary Anglo-American liberalism in Berlins works. In his concept of agonistic liberalism the later began to be understood not as a good (as it was perceived in classical political philosophy), but as a procedural principle the primary function of which is risk assessment and achieving compromise in conflicts of values, goals and interests. The article identifies the intellectual influences of Berlins agonistic liberalism on modern models of democracy - deliberative and aggregative. The author concludes that Berlins idea of value pluralism, on the one hand, has become a basic assumption of all currently known liberal theories, on the other hand, it has become the main difficulty that they are trying to overcome in different ways.


I. berlin, agonistic liberalism, value pluralism, freedom, aggregative democracy, political preferences, political deliberation

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IDR: 170175575

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