Business games as a component of interactive learning in a tourist college
Автор: Kreps Tamara Vladimirovna
Журнал: Научный вестник Южного института менеджмента @vestnik-uim
Рубрика: Трибуна педагога
Статья в выпуске: 4 (28), 2019 года.
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This article discusses the possibilities and practical value of using such an interactive learning method as a business game. Business game is one of the methods of activation creative activity for students and implementation of professional-game tasks in the educational process. The methodical purpose of the business game is mainly to train skills, as well as to find strategies for solving a professional problem. The article discusses the possibilities of using group business games such as brainstorming and the project method when studying the discipline “Sales technology and promotion of tourist products” in a tourist college. The main attention in the article is paid to the tasks of group business games statement which is basis for professional decision making tasks. The role of the leader and its influence on the formation a favorable socio-psychological climate among the participants are considered, the stages of the student group development during the business game are also considered. The article describes the algorithm for conducting group business games and the methodology of their organization and conduct. The article presents the structure of business games held with students of a tourist college.
Interactive training, interactive methods, business games, technology of sales and promotion of tourist products, students of tourism college
Короткий адрес:
IDR: 143169580 | DOI: 10.31775/2305-3100-2019-4-124-128