Demographic consequences of a gain of Jungaria by armies of empire Qin

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Jungarian khanat - the most powerful state association of the Mongol speaking peoples at the end of a late middle ages and beginning of new time, per second half 50 years XVIII of century was won by armies of empire Qin. Concerning the sizes of losses of the population in a course of this gain, as well as its cumulative number, the various opinions express. The losses are determined at a rate of from 300 thousand up to 1 million, population - from 500 thousand up to more than 1 million. In a course of the analysis of known sources it was possible to establish, that losses in a course of the armed conflicts between Jungars and gain, including participation of the Kazakh armies and the death from epidemics, could make not less than 650 thousand at an initial cumulative population not less than 1 million. As a result of death of the people and their flight in territory of the next countries the Jungarian people actually has stopped the existence.


Jungaria, oirats (jungars), kyrgyzs, telengits, mingats, number, qin gain, participation of the kazakhs, loss, refugees, demography of the peoples of siberia, comparison

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