Dependence of the degree of water purification on the specific amount of electricity and the definition time
Автор: Shestakov I.Y., Khilyuk A.V.
Журнал: Siberian Aerospace Journal @vestnik-sibsau-en
Рубрика: Technological processes and material science
Статья в выпуске: 3 vol.22, 2021 года.
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The known methods of treatment of wastewater generated in rocket and space technology production using electroplating technologies do not allow to ensure the maximum permissible concentration of metal ions in treated water, or are expensive or difficult to operate. The general toxic, embryotropic and muta-genic effect of metals is well studied. These metals, getting together with water to food products in living organisms, are able to accumulate in them, causing the pathogenesis of heart diseases, brain, liver, and cancerous tumors in people. Iron ions are part of wastewater of most industries, which requires increased control and development of effective methods of wastewater treatment. The article presents a technique for conducting experiments, a method of combined water purification, including electrochemical action and adsorption, is considered. The results of studies of this method of wa-ter purification from iron ions are presented. The dependence of the degree of purification on the specific amount of electricity passing through the purified water, the strength of the electric field and the settling time is revealed. With Qav = 4.7 Kl/l, E = 1058 V/m, using quartz sand as an adsorbent and settling time for 24 hours, the concentration of iron ions decreased from 1.65 to 0, 82 mg/l. The proposed combined cleaning method requires inexpensive and affordable materials and is easy to operate.
Combined method, specific amount of electricity, electric field strength, iron, degree of puri-fication, alternating current, direct current, sorbents
Короткий адрес:
IDR: 148329586 | DOI: 10.31772/2712-8970-2021-22-3-536-542
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