The deposit policy of commercial bank under modern conditions

Автор: Alentyeva N.V.

Журнал: Вестник аграрной науки @vestnikogau

Рубрика: Экономические науки

Статья в выпуске: 1 (76), 2019 года.

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The questions on the study of deposit policy are due to the need to identify trends and patterns in the formation of the resource base of the commercial bank and its strengthening. In order to carry out financial activities, a commercial bank requires large amounts of cash resources, which the bank can obtain through the implementation of an effective deposit policy. The evaluation of deposit policy is the main task of a commercial bank, it should ensure the benefit of the credit institution from the placement of temporarily free funds of citizens. Commercial banks attract them on demand by improving the quality of service and providing additional services. The system of deposit rates is based on modern market conditions, so the bank, if it offers a lower rate, risks losing part of its customers. The article deals with the features of the deposit policy formation, its role in ensuring the efficiency of the banking system. Measures to improve the formation of deposit policy of commercial tanks are proposed. Thus, the priority directions of development of banking activities in the process of attracting resources, the development of deposit operations, improving their efficiency remain the main goal of deposit policy, this means the objectivity of deposit policy based on the action of the economic laws. Modern deposit policy should take into account the possibility of using innovative products, be based on established tariffs and interest rates, keep a benchmark for a high level of service for its customers, increase the degree of protection of deposits through the deposit insurance system, study the issues of deposit risks. Each commercial bank, on the basis of strategic development independently develops deposit policy, determining the types of deposits, terms and interests on them.


Banking system, deposit policy, money, interest rate, commercial bank, banking, resource base of commercial bank

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IDR: 147228777   |   DOI: 10.15217/issn2587-666X.2019.1.85

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