Wooden architecture in the early iron age: structural analysis funeral Altai and adjacent areas (educational materials)

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Wooden Architecture - a vast area of architecture, art, constructed from wood, which has special characteristics, determined by the nature of the material and construction techniques. Architecture burial structures made of wood Scythian time - an integral part of world architecture. Unlike classic, it has the features of study, due to the state of the source, analytical methods to study ways to interpret the material and types of reconstructions. All sources of wooden architecture can be divided into archaeological (petroglyphs, burial structures), and ethnographic writing. The most complete information in terms of studying the characteristics of construction and design solutions form has wooden architecture of elite burial structures. A variety of building traditions and technologies of construction and installation of wooden funerary structures due to the canons of the funeral rite. Use of these materials in the learning process for the preparation of archaeologists will further enhance their skills.


Altai, archaeological wood, burial structures, architecture, building traditions

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/14737840

IDR: 14737840

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