Dermatitis caused by stress in quails and measures to combat them

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The research work was carried out in the vivarium of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of ASAU and in the Education-experimental Center for Quail Breeding on White texas breed quails in the period of temperature stress in the building and under the shed. When quail broods are kept under shed in June, July, August, temperature stress occurs among quails as a result of air temperature higher than 38-42°C, and as a result, large changes in homeostasis occur, as well as due to prolonged sunlight during the day, as in ornamental birds. Dermatitis disease also occurs among quail birds. Dermatitis disease is different - allergic, chemical, physical, etc. arises under the influence. The article shows ways to prevent dermatitis caused by temperature stress and strong sunlight. 100 grams of Anti Stress Forte WSP drug was added to 120 liters of water in order to prevent the formation of large changes in homeostasis and the formation of the photo-contact form of dermatitis on the skin of quails as a result of temperature stress during this period, as a result of the rise in temperature and the long duration of direct sunlight should be applied, in case of prolonged exposure to the sun’s rays, a curtain made of white polyethylene should be placed on the front part of the shed. While investigating the dermatitis disease caused by temperature stress and long-term exposure to sunlight, we determined the clinical-physiological condition and productivity of the mother quails.


Quails, temperature, temperature stress, relative humidity, air current, dermatitis disease, sunlight

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 14129901   |   DOI: 10.33619/2414-2948/101/26

Список литературы Dermatitis caused by stress in quails and measures to combat them

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