Development of a methodology for testing SpaceWire network switches

Автор: Maksyutin A.S., Kazaykin D.S., Dymov D.V., Ivlenkov D.V.

Журнал: Siberian Aerospace Journal @vestnik-sibsau-en

Рубрика: Informatics, computer technology and management

Статья в выпуске: 2 vol.23, 2022 года.

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The paper presents the main points of the developed methodology for testing SpaceWire network switches. The main objectives of testing this equipment are outlined. A block diagram of the workplace is provided, as well as a list of equipment with its brief description for conducting tests. To conduct the tests, special software was developed, implemented in the form of a console user application. The methodology describes in detail each step of working with this application. This article describes the algorithms that are implemented when working with the application. These algorithms are presented in the form of flowcharts, as well as in the form of a text description. Two groups are distinguished among the algorithms: basic and advanced tests. For the first group, we can distinguish: a basic test - to check the principle of removing the header in accordance with the path addressing; a load test - to check the correct operation of the switch at high load of the switching matrix, as well as checking the deletion of incoming packets that do not contain addresses in their header to be sent to one of the switch ports; an exceptional situation test is used to check the correct operation of the switch when the receiving buffer is loaded with incoming data. For the second group, we can distinguish: the routing table test - to check the correctness of the processing by the switch of the rows recorded in the routing table; the broadcast test – to check the ability of the switch to send one data packet from several ports at the same time; the adaptive group routing test – to check the ability of the switch when selecting multiple ports for data transmission to send them from the port having the highest priority. All the indicated algorithms were tested on a radiation-resistant fault-tolerant ultra-large inte-grated circuit of a programmable master switch of the 3rd level. In conclusion, further plans for the devel-opment of the methodology are outlined.


Switches, testing methods, testing algorithms, SpaceWire

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148329621   |   DOI: 10.31772/2712-8970-2022-23-2-197-208

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