Development of inland waterway transport in Russia and the experience of China
Автор: Leonov S.N., Zaostrovskikh E.A.
Журнал: Economic and Social Changes: Facts, Trends, Forecast @volnc-esc-en
Рубрика: Global experience
Статья в выпуске: 3 т.17, 2024 года.
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In Soviet times, inland waterway transport played a decisive role in the exploration of the country’s remote areas. The year 1985 witnessed the peak of its development, when the world’s highest volume indicators were achieved. Currently, China is the world leader in this sector, having managed to transform inland waterway transport from an inconspicuous economic sector into a dynamically developing means of transport within 45 years. China’s achievements deserve attention, especially in terms of the scale and speed of the process. While Russia and China differ significantly in population density, production volumes, and seasonality of water transport, they have certain similar characteristics as well (vastness of territory, length and configuration of inland waterways, possibility to reach poorly developed areas). The article identifies four stages in the development of inland waterway transport, differing in goals, objectives, financing mechanisms and tools for the implementation of development goals set for a specific stage. It is shown that the development of inland waterway transport in the Russian Federation is determined by the complex economic and geographical characteristics of the country and by accumulated system-wide problems in the development of the sector. The latter include insufficient financing of inland waterways; shortage of modern vessels; low investment attractiveness and insufficient investment in the industry; poor interaction with other means of transport, which deprives inland waterway transport of part of the cargo base; shortage of modern transshipment complexes; outflow of skilled personnel from the industry. In order for the Russian inland waterway transport to regain its influence on the country’s territorial development, it is necessary to use China’s experience in organizing financing projects in this area, developing a training system, and combating interspecific competition in transport. Scientific significance of the study lies in the theoretical analysis and comparative assessment of the level of development of inland waterway transport in Russia and China. Proposals for addressing the accumulated problems of Russian river transport based on the use of China’s experience in promoting the activities of inland waterway transport are of practical importance.
Inland waterway transport, backbone network of inland waterways, Russia, china
Короткий адрес:
IDR: 147245855 | DOI: 10.15838/esc.2024.3.93.15
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