Development of the Philippine tourism economy in the post-COVID period

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The object of research is the tourism industry of the Philippine economy. The subject of the study is the degree of impact of the global pandemic caused by the COVID-19 coronavirus infection on the tourism industry of the Philippine economy. The epidemic has had a negative impact on the global tourism industry and jeopardized the recovery of destinations in developing countries, which have faced great challenges due to the increasingly serious waves of the pandemic. The study aims to examine the impact of the pandemic on the tourism industry in the context of developing countries, as well as the multifaceted challenges and opportunities for the Philippine tourism industry during the COVID-19 pandemic. As an example, it is advisable to choose the Philippines, a country that before the pandemic was one of the fastest growing economies in the world, has moved into the category of countries heavily affected in the current epidemiological conditions. The article discusses the state measures taken to restore the tourism industry of the country's economy, and also analyzes the existing domestic tourism market to present effective strategies for the development of this industry in the Philippines in the postCOVID period, taking into account regional specifics. The results of the analysis made it possible to assume that crisis situations not only have negative consequences, but also provide an opportunity for the formation of new directions for the development of the tourism sector. In this article, we explore how the tourism industry may develop in the Philippines in the post-COVID period. In the course of the study, the author came to the conclusion that in the short term, domestic agricultural, medical and religious tourism will play a vital role in supporting the initial phase of the recovery of this sector of the economy.


Tourism industry, domestic tourism, philippines, covid-19, post-covid period

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IDR: 140299784   |   DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8111152

Список литературы Development of the Philippine tourism economy in the post-COVID period

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