Development of the two-fuel combustion chamber and calculation of processes for the theory of turbulent burning
Автор: Baklanov A.V.
Журнал: Siberian Aerospace Journal @vestnik-sibsau-en
Рубрика: Technological processes and material science
Статья в выпуске: 3 vol.25, 2024 года.
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In this material development stages of the two-fuel combustion chamber for the HK-16-18CT engine are presented. Calculation of processes on the basis of the theory of turbulent burning is made. One of competitive advantages of stationary gas-turbine installation is the possibility of work on two types of fuel: on diesel and on gaseous. Therefore creation of the two-fuel combustion chamber is relevant. The designing process of the two-fuel combustion chamber consists of several stages. At the first stage the nozzle is developed. It is equipped with two internal fuel channels. Then the front device is designed. in it nozzles are placed in two ranks. This device is equipped with two separate fuel collectors. It contains cavities for a fuel supply to two channels of nozzles. Such constructive decision allows to carry out switching of one type of fuel to another without stopping operation of the engine. As a prototype for distribution of air on length of a spherical pipe the combustion chamber of the NK-8-2U engine is taken. Calculation of processes in the combustion chamber was carried out on the basis of the theory of turbulent burning. During calculation such parameters as the normal speed of burning, the pulsation speed, coefficient of turbulent exchange, scale of turbulence and intensity of turbulence are determined. The equation of thermal balance for determination of temperature in the considered area at combustion of natural gas and diesel fuel is created. It is considered what in one case is spent warmly going for evaporation of liquid fuel, in other case it is not necessary. For calculation of formation of nitrogen oxides Ya. B. Zeldovich's theory of thermal oxidation of nitrogen is used by oxygen. Emissions of carbon monoxide are determined by an empirical formula From gasdynamic calculation of the HK-16-18CT engine parameters on an entrance to the combustion chamber on various operating modes at combustion of natural gas are known. Calculation for definition of a necessary consumption of diesel fuel for power setting at preservation of temperature at the exit is executed from the combustion chamber. By results of calculation the schedule of emission of harmful substances from power setting on gas and diesel fuels is constructed. The comparative schedule of dependence of completeness of combustion of fuel on power setting is constructed. Settlement emissions of harmful substances of the developed combustion chamber in the range of operation of the engine on power from 0,7Ne to 1 Ne for liquid fuel: NOx15%O2 does not exceed 250 mg/m3, СO15%О2 does not exceed 300 mg/m3; for gaseous NOx15%O2 fuel does not exceed 120 mg/m3, СO15%О2 does not exceed 150 mg/m3.
Two-fuel combustion chamber, gas-turbine engine, natural gas, diesel fuel, theory of turbulent burning, nitrogen oxides, carbon oxides
Короткий адрес:
IDR: 148329750 | DOI: 10.31772/2712-8970-2024-25-3-372-383
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