Devonian-carboniferous boundary in the east of the Pechora plate (Kamenka river and Vangyr river sections)

Автор: Zhuravlev A.V., Sobolev D.B.

Журнал: Вестник геонаук @vestnik-geo

Рубрика: Научные статьи

Статья в выпуске: 10 (298), 2019 года.

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The representative sections outcropping shallow-water and deep-water Devonian/Carboniferous successions in the East of Pechora Plate (Kamenka River section and Vangyr River section) are considered in respect of facies, conodont, and ostracode changes. In the Kamenka River section the D/C boundary beds are composed of bioclastic limestones interbedded with dark-gray clays (lower part of the Edzhid Fm.). The deposits contain abundant and diverse benthic ostracodes of Pseudoleperditia tuberculifera - Coryellina alba - Cribroconcha primaris ostracode Zone, and diverse conodont associations of praesulcata and sulcata zones. The negative shifts in d13Corg in conodont organic matter accompanied by weak positive shift in d13Ccarb in bulk carbonates suggest eutrophic conditions in the lagoon environment and disbalancing of the trophic web at the terminal Famennian. D/C boundary beds in the Vangyr River section are represented by calciturbidites, pelagic carbonates, and shales (Izyayu Fm.). Transgressive phase of Hangenberg Event is marked by the black shale layers. The Upper Famennian conodont associations are dominated by Palmatolepis gracilis group; the ostracodes compose diverse associations of Turingian and slope ecotypes. The D/C boundary is marked by appearance of conodonts Siphonodella sulcata in associations with ostracodes Armilla uralica .


Devonian-carboniferous boundary, conodonts, ostracodes, biostratigraphy, hangenberg event, pechora plate

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 149129345   |   DOI: 10.19110/2221-1381-2019-10-16-22

Список литературы Devonian-carboniferous boundary in the east of the Pechora plate (Kamenka river and Vangyr river sections)

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