Detection of terrorism propaganda features in the framework of forensic linguistic expertise

Автор: Shibaev M.V., Kipchatova A.V.

Журнал: Сибирский филологический форум @sibfil

Рубрика: Языкознание: динамика языковых единиц

Статья в выпуске: 4 (29), 2024 года.

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Statement of the problem. The situation that has developed in the modern linguo-expert practice can be characterized as a methodological pluralism, in which departmental methodological developments of various ministries and departments are side by side. For a state expert, the choice of the methodology used is authoritatively set, a non-state expert faces the problem of choosing such an analysis model that will be convenient to use, the results of which will be understandable to the target audience having mainly a legal education. The purpose of the article is to propose a suitable model for analyzing verbal propaganda of terrorism in forensic expertise activities.


Propaganda, forensic linguistic expertise, terrorism, persuasion, ideology

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IDR: 144163253   |   DOI: 10.24412/2587-7844-2024-4-25-41

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