Dialectics of character development in A. K. Tolstoy's drama trilogy (tragedy «Tsar Boris»)

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The article in question deals with the changing notion of artistic image in A.K.Tolstoy's dramatic art in whose plays the process of genre eclecticism resulted in washing out precise genre characteristics in «a new drama» at the boundary of the XIX - XX centuries. Novelty of the approach in studying dramatic art of A.K.Tolstoy consists in studying features of character development which are defined by the tragic contradiction between congenital humanity and the state necessity that influences the succession of events in the plays of the trilogy. In the drama trilogy A.K.Tolstoy opens, as a matter of fact, an essentially new principle of portraying a character in dramatic art, with authentic psychology showing a complex combination of inconsistent and frequently opposite qualities and properties of the person, creating a realistic image of the hero, but keeping some features of the tragedy of fate.


Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/14899836

IDR: 14899836

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